Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Of Elephants and Asses

I’m so sick of politics. Typically, I refrain from discussing politics in any forum, preferring instead to center conversations on other more intellectually arousing topics than to argue over whose political agenda will redeem the country from its burgeoning problems. However, these days, the political overload is driving me bonkers. It's everywhere. Everyday it’s ad after ad after pointless ad of self-righteous idiots negotiating with TV viewers over that little mark on the ballot. The TV glares with politicians in fancy clothes, straining to smile and displaying themselves as the living embodiment of good will as they shake hands in front of the cameras with the plebes whose pleas they will later ignore. I wonder how many of them turn to their advisers and beg for the hand sanitizer as they exit their rallies in their Benzes. It's the same recipe every election year, politician after politician after slimy politician, promising progress they cannot deliver and stroking the public's G-spot with ideas of a better tomorrow that never comes. People rally, yelling in a semi-orgasmic state for someone who will later flip them over and ram it up their ass. It’s the same old shit: more funding for schools, less crime, tax cuts, border patrol, blah, blah, blah.

To make matters worse, the war in Iraq has become the very core of every politician's agenda. For those who know how to dance with the Devil, their point of view comes across clearly, in an almost legitimate fashion. However, for some, the repercusions of their dealings are far beyond their scope of comprehension. This was the case with Senator John Kerry, who decided to unveil his arrogance to the planet with a degrading “joke” about our men in Iraq. As Kerry crashed and burned, Democrats gasped in horror and Republicans rejoiced. Then came the apologies for the blatantly moronic comment, dismissed as a "joke" that was taken out of context, of course. I would have been a bit impressed had he owned up to his faux pas, but he chose, instead, to pass judgement on other people's interpretations. Obviously, someone who can't play the game. Kerry, ad lib is entirely not your forte, nor any politicians’ for that matter. Keep to the script. Excusing yourself with the same arrogance as that employed to make your comment is not enough. Being a veteran does not bestow upon you the liberty to open your mouth and show us the clutter of shit in your head. Now take your sorry excuse of a self and go sulk in your soiled Democratic pants. Idiot!

And while I'm in the bashing mood: I am more than delighted that George Bush's term is almost up. It's still a wonder to me that he was given a second chance to fuck us up even further. But then again, and especially now that Mr. Kerry has shown us how sharp his claws are, I have to admit it was slim pickins for the American public. Time after time, speech after boring speech, I have taken the time to listen to the man, attempting to understand what exactly it is that he has to offer to the people whose votes he stole. He's an abyss, a stuttering void. There is no substance in his voice, no real emotion in his eyes, and that conniving little smirk speaks of a manipulative individual whose real intentions hide behind a public face. The guy’s a twat! For once Bush, strap on your cojones and clean up the mess you’ve created both at home and half-way across the globe. Show us your real agenda, show us the core of your ideologies, show us that you care. Redeem us of the almost eight years of penance we've had to endure under your cuasi-leadership. I'm tired of showing the planet that an idiot like you can be president.