Monday, October 09, 2006

Beer Guts No More!

Ok, this caught my attention. Any crap with the following caption under the picture of a shirtless Matthew McConaughey is worth reading (if only to further my already excessive procrastination while providing some visual stimulation):

"Matthew McConaughey's chiseled, hairless bod has some guys hitting the gym and the waxing clinic.”

Yeah, because the alternative boob job, liposuction, Brazilian lift, Botox lip injections, blonde highlights, tight leather corsets, and 4" heels that lead to certified vixen status are just so much more bearable than an afternoon at the gym and a wax job.

God forbid that they get a little insecure and do *SOMETHING* about it!


Blogger Wendi said...

How true!! LOL!

11:43 AM  
Blogger Sam said...

Wow. Unless my wife begged me every day for a week, while on her knees in front of me, I couldn't see myself waxing...bleh!!

Then again, I tell my wife that if I was a girl, the only guy I'd really have the hots for is go figure. :D

7:07 AM  
Blogger Lyllia said...

Wendi- Did ou enjoy the picture?

DD- LOL!! :)

7:30 PM  
Blogger ARD said...

Matthew is HOT!!!
Cierto, siempre está el double standard de las mujeres haciendo lo que sea para verse bien, y los hombres nada. Que pasen un poquito de dolor de vez en cuando para que sepan lo que es bueno, aunque sólo sea debido a un "trend" (posiblemente pasajero) del metrosexualismo.

8:38 PM  
Blogger Zen said...

Uhu...coño!!!...just looking at him makes me wanna ..... ok, enough already. I agree, we go through so much SHIT trying to look good begining with the diet we put ourselves through and the makeup we plaster on daily (at least I have to in order to not scare my freshmen)...they can also make sacrifices to satisfy my harm in looking good or at least need to go around looking like apes!

3:51 AM  
Blogger elvinort said...

The thing is men go for the bodybuilding "extras" such as testosterone supplies, creatinine and anabolic steroids. As our faces don't matter (that) much, we can compensate with a killer physique!
Lyllia, where's your pic? You are truly gorgeous!!! And smart too! Congrats and keep the blog going!
A fan

9:36 AM  
Blogger Lyllia said...

Annete- los hombres metrosexual me gustan.. bueno, siempre y cuando no se deslizen hacia el otro lado de la verja. Las uñas limpias, la ropa planchada y combinada, y el pelo bien peinado fue, entre otras cosas, lo que mas me atrajo a mi Ares. El es uno de esos tipos, pero creeme, de pato nada! :)

Zen- I agree. Y tu no necesitas maquillaje para verte bella--- you already are---- I've seen the pictures!!

Elvinort- So sad that some guys resort to doing steroids. I've never been attracted to men with outstanding physiques, in fact, too much bulk is quite a turn off for me. But, I do appreciate a man that takes care of himself. Thanks for the compliment, that was too sweet!! I took the picture down while I found a newer one.

I'll swing by your blog...

12:41 PM  
Blogger elvinort said...

Thanks! Hope you liked it! Noticed your it full time? (jajaja)

11:43 AM  
Blogger Lyllia said...

Yup! ... hehehehehe!!! :0

11:45 AM  
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4:06 PM  

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