Monday, July 31, 2006

Got Some Time To Spare????

I need time to do… EVERYTHING! Seriously, I need like 72-hour days from now until next year. I am sitting here, stressed about the amount of work I have to get done before I go to bed tonight… the sad part is that it’s 2:02 am!!!! **Why are you awake and trying to open my closet door?**

I have to work on our accounting, send out emails to get our business cards priced- again, set up meetings with our bookkeeper, our financial planner (got to go over the IRA paperwork he sent me- a book all in its own), and two clients this week **Little man, get out from under the bed**… which means that I will have to arrange –at some point tomorrow- for Ares’ mom to come and take care of the kids.**Stop pulling on Lenni's (the cat) tail!** I hate having to ask her to baby sit. I know she’s their grandmother and all, but her bulb is just a little too dim for my peace of mind.

I need to design two web sites, **Hey!! Don’t pull on the blinds!** update the database we’re running for a local client, develop a new time sheet, keep working on our employee handbook, do more research about GSA work, finish reading that book on how to land the big government contracts. **Little man, stop taking the CD’s out of the CD tower and slamming them against the floor!!!** I have to prepare proposals for a couple of new clients/jobs, rsvp for two networking events next week and one this week. **Stop it, little one, stop taking the papers off my desk!!** Got to send those invoices to my client... why can't you figure out that 2 + 2= 4??? You owe me $400 ... and you have it in black and white? Can't you read?? They're overdue again- they have incurred late charges which I refuse to write off... they were forewarned... plus that's an accounting nightmare in its own right.

I need to make phone calls… lots of them, so many, that's a full-time job in itself… why is my insurance not covering my son’s medical expenses of January when I paid the darn thing in full through June?! Darn people… for the millionth freakin' time… we paid, you cashed our check, enter our information in your darn database!!! It's not rocket science! **You’re testing my patience, little man, do that again and it’s time-out for you!!** I need to file documents, many documents… as in I’m swimming in paper… darn tree killers who keep faxing me crap! **STOP yelling, you’re going to wake up your sister!** Bills… bills need to get paid, rent is due tomorrow –or is it Tuesday? What day is it today, anyway? July has 31 days, right? Is it July? I hate paying rent, but we have no time to go house shopping right now.... this place is just so small, though, got to make the time... got to make the time. **Hey, get ouf of there!** Groceries need to be bought, got to make a list, got to make a list, got to make a list... hope I don't forget anything. Note to self: need laundry detergent. I need to go to the post office, where the hell are my 2 packages? **I told you to stop yelling!** Maybe tomorrow morning, I'll squeeze in a little gym time.

I’m almost out of formula… CRAAAAP! Two more bottles and I'm out. I have ready-to-pour in the cupboard... and some more in the baby bag. Got to love the surplus! Can't forget my grocery coupons tomorrow. I'm on a penny-pinching streak! I am finishing the 9th load of laundry, out of detergent to finish the last two... can't believe that's only a week's worth of stuff, still have to unload the dishwasher – at least the dishes are done… for now. **No! Stop crawling under my desk and playing with the computer cables** I need to take a shower and wash my hair… how long has it been? Did I even bathe this morning? (smelling the 'pitts') NAS-T!! **Little man, quit banging on that!**

I need to send those pictures to my mom, she hasn’t seen her granddaughter in weeks and she's changed so much. Already got the guilt trip working on me. Crap, I forgot to pick up the clothes at the cleaners and now that the baby barfed on my comforter -twice- I have to remember to bring it in. Did I take out the trash today? ARGH!… I need to return some stuff to the store… where the hell did I put that receipt???? I thinkI leef the bag in Ares' car last week. ** Kid, for the nth time, stop banging that toy against the glass!!** I have to call Jen to get the kids’ pictures taken, need to spend more time with the kids… Gosh, I’m such a bad mom… haven’t opened a book for the little man since Thursday night!!! **Get out of the closet, Kid!**

I need to finish that blanket for my friend’s baby, she's due soon, but I have to go buy more yarn first, that's another trip to the store with the two little ones... impossible task, I tell you! I need to take pictures of the little man’s old clothes to post on Ebay, and hopefully, sell them. ** I told you to get out from under my desk!** I want to put the money in his college fund. I need to **Hey! Do not eat those cables!! Darn it, Ares, I have told you about a gazillion times to take those cables off the plug!!!!** Where was I? Oh, I need to get cracking on the kids’ scrapbook… not one page done- for either one of them! Can’t believe the little man’s a year-old **Do not pull that off my desk!** I'm ashamed, I've had a year to do this and I've yet to start! Got to put together the Mommy and kids outing... Gosh, I need the time out even if it is with the rugrats! I think the first one will be in late September. It's too hot to have it now. Good... that will give me some more time to get stuff done in the interim... like research parks and put together a list of things to bring, mommies to invite, etc. Time... time... really, what is that??? **Ares, come get this kid before he drives me bonkers, please!!**

I’m dizzy **Why are you not in bed by now? Ares, what is the little man doing up? I don’t care if he cried for 20 minutes when you tried to put him to bed… he needed to stay in bed at 9pm!!!!** At least he’ll sleep in tomorrow morning, I hope, maybe then I can get some stuff done ... oh, yeah, the grocery store, the cleaners and the gym. Guess that's already laid out. Got to remember to set the alarm to 7am. What time does Kroger open at anyway? I’m so dizzy…did I even eat dinner today?

I am COMPLETELY overwhelmed (hands over face)... SHIT! There goes the princess *What is her problem now, Ares? I fed her 1 hour ago! Did she poop?**…. Geez, it’s not even Monday… wait –technically- we're 3 hours into Monday. It’s going to be a loooooooong week **Little man stop pulling on the cables! Why are you in the office? Ares!!! If you want me to get anything done, please take him!**…. I can’t do this anymore…


Blogger Jen said...

He, he, he, he, HA, HA, HA! I had one of those days today, three million things to do and barely the mental functioning to get one thing completed before the kids came crashing in.

5:57 PM  

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