Thursday, July 13, 2006

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

I went back to my dentist yesterday. I LOVE my dentist! He is really nice, funny, a gentleman with a southern drawl that makes me drool (even more than I should!)… damn it, he is one hot dude!! Not particularly my type -he is a little too much of a pretty boy for me- but I can still admire *Grade A* when I see it. I have to say that I do tend to favor the more masculine, broad-shouldered types, with the not so chiseled face and a few extra pounds. However, it doesn’t hurt to have any part of your body fondled by a hot guy- even if it’s just your mouth and even if it’s with a needle… and especially when he’s telling you he’s going to “juice you up a little bit more”!

While sitting at the chair, I realized that I have always had issues with pretty boys. They make me nervous and uneasy. I get sweaty and talkative. Not good… not good at all! Not one to be very popular with the boys when I was younger, I decided to drop 45 pounds and date anyone and everyone that came along. This was my attempt to get my very own ‘pretty boy’. I dated strippers, models, gym buffs, surfers, actors, cops, teachers, students, psychologists, waiters, musicians, scholars, architects, engineers, geeks, jocks, idiots, liars, sex addicts, alcoholics, divorced men, older men, and an occasional married guy here or there. I am sure some of them have come out of the closet, too.

In any case, I noticed that the only people I cared about were those that allowed for me to be the self-centered bitch that I wanted to be… and most of them –if not all- were not wrapped up in a pretty package. So, I decided to nix the pretty boys in favor of those a little bit more aesthetically challenged. Why? For one thing, they were so much more appreciative of having someone –anyone- to go out with on a Saturday night, most were true gentlemen who took life much more lightly and just wanted to have a good time, but most importantly, most were eager to make me happy. The best part? I never had to go head-to-head (yeah, literally!) with my dates on a looks contest. I never wanted to be that girl who everyone thought had gotten lucky to have a hot date. I wanted to be the hot girl who some average guy was very lucky to have. Call it the ‘rescue syndrome’ or just plain vanity.

Honestly, I truly wonder what my dentist’s wife looks like. It has to be difficult to be married to this ‘Adonis of the Teeth’. Then again, she might just be gorgeous and quite the ‘Aphrodite of the Teeth’ herself. Or, maybe she’s just a fatty who got lucky and didn’t care to walk in the shadow of beauty…


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